Madison Finley

8 Tips to Look Great on Zoom

After nearly a year of virtual working, we're all familiar with the faux pas of Zoom calls, and reading these might make you laugh (or cringe!):

  • Overexagerated thumbs-ups
  • "Hey, you're muted"
  • Close-ups of your coworker eating leftover pad thai
  • "Can you see my screen?" 
Not to mention those dreaded moments when hopping onto a Zoom call for the first time that day, only to realize that your hair looks like a birds nest and everyone actually can see the gross stain on the wall behind you.

But don't worry! Zoom calls don't have to be all bad.

These 8 tips will help you look good on any video call, no matter how many days in a row you've been wearing those same sweatpants.
Prefer to watch, rather than read, your content? Check out our How to Film Yourself video.


  • 1. Use natural lighting when you can (sitting near a window is great!)
  • 2. If you can't use natural lighting, make sure the room you're sitting in is filled with light.


  • 3. Make sure your computer is setup on a sturdy surface at eye-level.
  • 4. Try not to look at yourself (we know it's hard!), and instead look directly at the camera. This will mimic the in-person eye contact we all dearly miss.


  • 5. Make sure you're the focal point. You should be centered on the screen, with a little bit of space above your head. 
  • 6. If you use lot's of hand gestures, leave space at the bottom for those to be shown.


  • 7. Try to eliminate outside noise, which can be distracting. 
  • 8. Closing your door, or sitting near a corner of the room, can help reduce echoing in the room.
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